Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

1.A short introduction explaining ME/CFS file Introduction to ME-CFS.pdf [pdf] 461KB
2. Getting started with ME/CFS GETTING STARTED for CFS pts 2nd Section.pdf [pdf] 418KB
3. A detailed biological explanation of ME/CFS BACME-An-Introduction-to-Dysregulation-in-MECFS-1 (1).pdf [pdf] 777KB
4. A comprehensive ME/CFS Service leaflet on understanding ME/CFS Understanding ME CFS Getting started updated copy August 2023 (1).pdf [pdf] 838KB
5. What we offer What we offer.pdf [pdf] 490KB

Energy management
1. Pacing and grading activity file Activity Management- Pacing and Grading Activity.pdf [pdf] 710KB
2. How to complete and calculate an activity diary (with template) How to complete an Activity Diary v1.pdf [pdf] 677KB
3. Weekly planner template Weekly Planner (w) 2020.pdf [pdf] 217KB
4. Planning and baselines Planning and Baselines (w) 2020.pdf [pdf] 586KB
5. Rest What is Rest (W).pdf [pdf] 303KB
6. Sleep handout Sleep.leaflet.2.pdf [pdf] 791KB
7. Value based goal setting Value based goals and goal setting 2009 (w).pdf [pdf] 416KB
8. Relapse management Relapse & resource list.pdf [pdf] 622KB
9. Pacing up Pacing Up.pdf [pdf] 499KB

Energy conservation
The following links contain energy conservation tips for a variety of daily tasks:
- Energy Conservation at Work.pdf 311KB
- Energy Conservation in Cleaning .pdf 515KB
- Energy Conservation in Gardening .pdf 446KB
- Energy Conservation in Infant Care pdf 427KB
- Energy Conservation in Laundry pdf 415KB
- Energy Conservation in Meal Preparation pdf 267KB
- Energy Conservation in Personal Care pdf483KB
- Energy Conservation in Shopping pdf 413KB
- Fatigue Management - energy conservation techniques.pdf 704KB

1. Introduction to relaxation Introduction to relaxation.pdf [pdf] 567KB
2. Relaxation leaflet Relaxation leaflet 5th.pdf [pdf] 568KB
3. Breathing exercises 1 Breathing and Relaxation Links.pdf [pdf] 102KB
4. Breathing exercises 2 Breathing Techniques for CFS Symptom Control.pdf [pdf] 513KB

Coping with the emotional impact of ME/CFS
1. Local psychological support services Local services contact sheet - AKH.pdf [pdf] 433KB
2. Mindfulness Mind Mindfulness Booklet.pdf [pdf] 466KB
3. Obstacles to making changes Obstacles to making changes.pdf [pdf] 464KB
4. Self-compassion Self compassion and ME.pdf [pdf] 412KB

Healthy eating
1. Diet Diet.pdf [pdf] 619KB
2 Nausea advice sheet Nausea general advice on diet.pdf [pdf] 594KB
3. Nutrition Nutrition.pdf [pdf] 281KB

Useful links
1. Post-viral fatigue: a guide to management BACME Post Viral Fatigue A Guide to Management May2020.pdf [pdf] 681KB
2. Flu jab advice Flu jab advice ME CFS.pdf [pdf] 292KB
3. ME/CFS Awareness ME Awareness Booklet.pdf [pdf] 719KB
4. Memory and Concentration Memory & Concentration.pdf [pdf] 370KB
5. Travel tips Travel recommendations KW.pdf [pdf] 402KB
6. Resources Additional Resources for FSS and Web 2020.pdf [pdf] 529KB
7. Advice for students Advice for Students with CFS.pdf [pdf] 274KB
8. Pregnancy ME _ pregnancy.pdf [pdf] 152KB
9. Work resources Work Resources & links.pdf [pdf] 462KB

Useful organisations
1. NICE guidelines myalgic-encephalomyelitis-or-encephalopathychronic-fatigue-syndrome-diagnosis-and-management-pdf-66143718094021.pdf [pdf] 539KB
2. ME/CFS Helplines file ME CFS Helplines.pdf [pdf] 563KB
3. Talking therapies in Surrey file Surrey-IAPT.pdf [pdf] 17MB
4. British Association of Clinicians in ME/CFS