Ward directory
Our searchable ward directory contains information about our wards, including contact details, location information, visiting hours, names of key ward staff and what you can or cannot bring onto the ward.
To use the directory simply go to the relevant hospital to see a list of all wards. Then click on the name of the ward to see the detail page for this ward. Alternatively you can use the search to find what you are looking for.
Ward directory search
Wards at Epsom Hospital
Name Telephone Alexandra Ward 01372 735475 Britten Ward 01372 735351 Buckley Ward 01372 735356 Casey Ward 01372 735735 ext. 5338 Chuter Ede Ward 01372 735482 01372 735735 ext. 6493 / 6496 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 01372 735245 Croft Community Unit 01372 735361 Day Case Unit 01372 735735 ext 5986 Delivery Suite 01372 735208 / 5247 Derby Ward 01372 735841 Ebbisham Ward 01372 735234 / 5231 Emergency Department (A&E) 01372 735735 Endoscopy Unit (within Day Case) 01372 735 945 Gloucester Ward 01372 735357 High Dependency Unit (HDU) 01372 735210 Northey Suite (private patient suite) 01372 735000 Oaks Ward 01372 735851 Paediatric Emergency Department 01372 735735 ext 6585 Simon Stewart Ward Call A Midwife: 0300 123 5473 Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) 01372 735279 Swift Ward 01372 735362 or Ext: 6282 -
Wards at St Helier Hospital
Name Telephone A1 (Coronary Care) 020 8296 3610 (reception), 020 8296 3078 (beds 1-13), 020 8296 3601 (beds 19-30), 020 8296 3612 (beds 31-39) 020 8296 3616/4772 (co-ordinators' office) A3 020 8296 2851 A4 (Endoscopy Unit) 020 8296 3114 A5 0208 296 2390 A6 Renal 020 8296 3532 B1 Whitfield Unit and Haematology Day Unit 020 8296 2666/8295 (ward), 020 8296 2556 (day unit), 020 8296 2192 (patient phone) B2 (Intensive Care Unit, ITU) 020 8296 2282 / 4709 B3 020 8296 2636 / 4719 B5 020 8296 3564 B6 (Renal Unit) 020 8296 2639/3422 Birth Centre 020 8296 2050/3157 C1 (Respiratory Unit) 02082964344 C3 020 8296 3151 / 2953 C4 020 8296 3108 / 2964 C5 (Care of the Elderly/Frailty) 020 8296 2613 / 2614 C6 (Haematology) 020 8296 2633 Dialysis Unit (haemodialysis) and procedure room Chronic area: 020 8296 2507/3020, short stay link: 020 8296 3173, procedure room: 020 8296 3540, dialysis number 020 8296 4702 Emergency Department (A&E) 020 8296 2278 M2 (gynaecology) M3 (antenatal ward) 020 8296 2988 M4 (postnatal ward) 020 8296 2478 / 3665, Maternity Assessment Unit (MAU) 020 8296 3124 M5 (Delivery Suite) 020 8296 2479 Mary Moore Ward 020 8296 3223 Medical Investigation Unit (MIU) 020 8296 4340 Neonatal Unit 020 8296 2885 Paediatric Emergency Department 02082963550 Peritoneal Dialysis (PD/CAPD) 020 8296 2494 (Monday to Friday) Renal Acute CAre Unit (RACU) 02082962646 Richard Bright Ward 020 8296 2506 / 4712 Surgical Ambulatory Care Unit (SACU) 020 8296 3220 -
Wards at Queen Mary's Hospital for Children
Name Telephone Queen Mary's Children's Ward 020 8296 3022 -
Wards at St Helier Hospital Outpatient Area (Coming soon)
Name Telephone Outpatient Room 1 (Coming soon) -
Wards at Epsom Hospital Outpatient Area (Coming soon)
Name Telephone Outpatient Room 1 (Coming soon)